Monday, June 18, 2007

Contradictions in Travel: adventure/environment/externalities

The word I've been searching for has yet to be found, but describes the state of holding 2 or more contradicting thoughts at the same time about a certain thing.

Travel is such an activity/concept for me and has been throughout my life - most recently coming into focus a bit more as I increasingly (yes, due to the fact that I'm in Texas) meet people who haven't left their city.

Side story: When I lived in Arkansas, working at the Heifer World Headquarters, the secretary I became friends with desperately wanted to leave the state but:
  • She didn't know anyone who was interested in traveling with her
  • She didn't know anyone outside of the state thus had noone to visit
  • She didn't think she had enough money saved up
  • She wasn't quite confident enough to go on a trip by herself
Although my first reaction was "Come visit me!" - I was trying to help her think of other options which wouldn't potentially put her in some danger through travelling with people

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