Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Women's Moon Centers 101

We have moon centers! This was news to me.

And it arrived at a workshop in Espanola, New Mexico at the Sadhana Solstice Retreat. The revelation: just how attuned our female bodies are to the rhythms of the moon.

I had always known our general sensitivity to the tides in terms of our menstrual cycles, but I didn’t have a full understanding of the beautiful pattern we move through physically and energetically every 27.5 days.

We have 11 Moon Centers in our body, and we dwell in each one for 2 1/2 days. Every woman’s rotation pattern is unique, and stays the same her entire life. This seems to be fairly basic and essential info about our Being. Yet what do we learn in school? Hardly anything about our own essence, it seems.

The wonderful woman teaching the workshop was Jivan Joti Kaur and she’s written 2 books: The Art of Making Sex Sacred and Dying Into Life: The Yoga of Death, Loss, and Transformation.

According to Jivan Joti Kaur, moon centers are: “Sensitive physical areas located on the woman’s body that are responsive to lunar energies and affect how we deal with our everyday life. ”

I will admit that I haven’t yet charted out my moon centers on my calendar but I have every intention of doing so! However, I don’t think I will check the calendar in the mornings and then have that moon center become part of the reality I create, but I can perhaps check in the evenings for a while to see what matches up — use it as a tool as I get used to it. Use this knowledge as you will and let me know what you think!

After a bit of research, I also learned that Moon Centers are used in tantric sexual interactions, but I know little of this and will instead refer you to this article.

To chart your moon center, we use a pendulum. The premise of a pendulum is that we have an energy field/aura that lies within our physical form, but also extends beyond the perimeter of our personal perimeter. The pendulum is sensitive to our higher truths within that energy field. We can ask it anything we like!

Steps to finding your personal moon center pattern:

1. Find a pendulum of sorts (a necklace does fine as long as it has a heavier than all the others bead/object), and hold it in front of you with one hand, over the other hand’s palm. Focus and center yourself, big deep breaths to bring you present.

2. Say the word, “yes” over and over, outloud or silently — and focus. Watch the pendulum react with either swinging forward or back, in clockwise or counter-clockwise circle. Make a note of how it reacts to “yes.”

3. Do the same for “no.” Everyone’s “no” and “yes” is different so pay attention!

4. You can now ask the pendulum whatever you like, and it willl answer with your “no” or “yes.”

5. Figure out what moon center you’re in right now by going down the list (below) and asking: “Am I in my . . . moon center?” and letting the pendulum answer for you.

6. Go through the list again and ask: “is ….. my next moon center?”

7. “is ……my third moon center?” And so forth!

8. Take out your calendar, and ask “Am I in the first day of my …..”? (whichever you’re in now). Followed by: “Am I in the first-half of the day of my …….” Then you can plot it out on the calendar, following your personal pattern and switching every 2.5 days.

The most important piece to understand with the different “aspects” of your centers, is that if you take care of yourself (your physical, mental, emotional, and energetic well-being) — the positive aspects of each center will be present. The more balanced we are, the more choice we have in being affected and it can become a beautiful subtle wave each month of various strengths. Here is a meditation to help balance your moon centers!

Our 11 moon centers:

  1. Clitoris: very social, likes to network and connect
  2. Vagina: also social, but deep cavity — tendency to be inward and pensive.Jivan Joti Kaur
  3. Thighs (inner organs also): most organized, to the point of obsession, you make your lists, clean, organize. Best time to do the things on your lists.
  4. Navel: most insecure, which creates a lot of pain. Do: breath of fire, navel power sets, meditate, silence, go inward, write, be creative, dance. Don’t: chocolate fest.
  5. Breasts/Nipples: most compassionate and heart-centered. Dangerous: might have a hard time setting your boundaries. Most likely to be sensual/sexual - affects whether you want to be touched.
  6. Back of the neck - very romantic and erotic. flirtatious, takes risks and not very logical. Not a good time to make a decision but a good time to brainstorm. Not good for planning, meetings, or detailed work.
  7. Lips: speech, communication. Words can be uplifting/effective. But if you’re not balanced, words can be harsh and alienating. Be careful or be still! May be most into kissing and erotic expression.
  8. Cheeks: most dangerous! We’re crazy. Most emotional, illogical, and delusional. Emotions run away with themselves, say things we don’t mean, pick fights.
  9. Earlobes: Self-righteous, connected to our values, more prone to activism and judgmental.
  10. Eyebrows: most subtle part of our parasympathetic nervous system. illusionary/imaginary. Be creative or brainstorm and play! Don’t make decisions or go shopping, but dream.
  11. Hairline (archline): Our halo. Wisdom, focused. Time you’re most connected to your essence. Great for decisions!